The Moore Family

The Moore Family

Friday, September 23, 2011

30 weeks!!

Mary Margaret is the size of a large cabbage, and by now she has developed all five senses. Baby's Length: 15.71 in. Baby's Weight: 2.91 lbs.
This is the average, but Mary Margaret is in the 60%, and she already weighs 3 lbs 9 oz. Big girl :) I had a sonogram today, and everything looked great. I am happy to report that she is head down and growing beautifully. She is measuring one week ahead, and is looking good. Dr. Cole was very pleased. I go back in 2 weeks on Oct.6 for my 32 week checkup.
From this point on your baby will gain about a half pound each week. All that baby weight is for more than filling out her chubby cheeks. Now that all of his major body systems are in place and functioning, she needs padding to protect and insulate her organs. Her built-up fat tissue will also help her regulate her body temperature after birth and provide the energy she needs. Because your baby is adding fat and growing bigger, you might find her movements become less frequent -- it's getting harder for her to maneuver. Can't wait to meet Mary Margaret soon!! I am hoping to get her bed up this weekend and the nursery/girls room somewhat organized. Wish me luck :)

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