The Moore Family

The Moore Family

Monday, July 11, 2011

Half Way There

Well, I am 19 weeks and 3 days today :) A little over half way there, if Mary Margaret comes early at 37 weeks and 5 days like SB and Mal did.... Gosh, I can't believe it. In one way, it seems like I have been pregnant forever, and then on the other hand, it seems like I just found out....
Mary Margaret is the size of a mango, and she is developing motor skills that allow her to make conscious movements.
Baby's Length: 6.02 in.
Baby's Weight: 8.47 oz.
Here is an update on baby development: Vernix caseosa begins to coat the skin. The greasy, cheese-like white coating helps regulate body temperature and protects your baby's skin while it's submerged in amniotic fluid. By the time your baby is born, most of the vernix will be gone. Your baby's heartbeat is growing stronger now and it's about twice as fast as yours.

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